During the winter, the home building process significantly slows down for most homeowners in the midwest. With Dynamic Homes in-factory modular home building, this doesn’t have to happen. 

Weather doesn’t affect our building process. Dynamic Homes are built in our climate controlled warehouse, protecting your home from all weather elements and then shipped out to the location for assembly. Being able to protect your home from winter weather during the building process makes a significant impact on the construction process and the quality of each home.

At Dynamic Homes, our indoor factory allows us to keep building at high capacity throughout all times of the year. The finished modular sections are covered and transported to their new locations. From there, they are set on a permanent foundation of a basement or crawlspace. A modular home is not a mobile or trailer home. It’s simply a home that is built off-site. By building a majority of a home indoors, we are able to pay more attention to detail without compromising any lead time. 

Benefits of Modular Building in the Winter  

Shorter Build Time. 

Because the onsite work and foundation are being built in tandem with the structure itself, build time decreases up to 60%. Modular builds are a highly effective way to keep a build on or ahead of schedule, even during the winter. Weather delays are not an issue when you choose to build through Dynamic Homes. 

Ideal For Remote Locations. 

Building a home through the winter is a difficult task in itself. But what if it also isn’t easily accessible terrain? At Dynamic Homes, we often see this problem when it comes to building a home in the Lakes area. Most plots of land in these areas are steep, uneven, and tightly packed together, making it a difficult build site before you even add in the winter elements. Building a modular home allows builders to work around these problems much more efficiently. 

It can also be difficult to find a contractor willing to work in the winter if you are in a more remote location. When working with Dynamic Homes, this is something you won’t have to take into consideration. Because our homes are built in a warehouse then transported to the site for install only, the on site assembly time is drastically reduced. This allows us to work through all months of the year regardless of the home’s final destination. 

Built To Last. 

Because our homes are made for transportation, they must be stronger and more durable than the homes built on-site. If our homes weren’t reinforced they simply would not make it to their final destination. A byproduct of this durability is that it helps your home endure the midwest winter weather conditions. 

Energy Star Homes.  

Our modular homes are built to last. Dynamic Homes is an Energy Star Partner and are constructed to the Minnesota Energy Code, among the strictest in the country. Minnesota Energy Code assures owners of Dynamic Homes that they have a genuine Energy Star ready home that will save them money now and increase market value and resale potential later. Energy Star homes are also quieter, more comfortable, have lower utility bills, and help protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Building modular homes has advantages year round, but especially in the winter. When construction is not interrupted by outside elements, it allows us to have complete control over every step of the process. At Dynamic Homes, we want your home to be perfect for you and built to last no matter what season it is. Start building your dream home today.

Visit Us At Our Spring Open House on April 26th & 27th